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The post Increasing Engagement with Instagram and Facebook first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are powerful tools for businesses to connect with their customers, showcase their products and services, and grow their brand awareness.

However, with millions of users and posts competing for attention, it can be challenging to stand out and engage your target audience effectively. In this blog post, we will share some tips and best practices on how to increase your engagement with Instagram and Facebook and how to measure your results.

What is engagement, and why does it matter?

Engagement is the interaction between your social media content and your followers or potential customers. It can include likes, comments, shares, saves, clicks, views, and more.

Engagement is important because it indicates how interested and loyal your audience is, how well your content resonates with them, and how likely they are to act on your offers or recommendations.

Engagement also helps boost your visibility and reach on the platforms, as the algorithms favor content generating more engagement.

How do you increase engagement with Instagram and Facebook?

There is no one-size-fits-all formula for increasing engagement with Instagram and Facebook, as different strategies may work better for different businesses, industries, goals, and audiences.

However, here are some general tips that can help you create more engaging content and connect with your followers:

  • Know your audience. Before creating any content, you need to understand your ideal customers, their pain points and interests, what kind of content they consume and respond to, and when and how they use social media. You can use tools like Instagram Insights and Facebook Analytics to get data on your audience demographics, behaviors, preferences, and feedback. You can also conduct surveys, polls, quizzes, or ask questions to get direct input from your followers.
  • Define your goals and metrics. You also need to clearly understand what you want to achieve with your social media content and how you will measure your success. For example, do you want to increase brand awareness, generate leads, drive traffic to your website, or boost sales? Depending on your goals, you need to track the relevant metrics that reflect your engagement performance. For example, to increase brand awareness, you may look at metrics like reach, impressions, follower growth, mentions, etc. If you want to generate leads or sales, you may look at metrics like clicks, conversions, revenue, etc.
  • Create valuable and relevant content. Creating content that provides value and relevance to your audience is the most important factor for increasing engagement. Your content should educate, entertain, inspire, or solve a problem for your followers. It should also align with your brand voice and identity and showcase your unique selling proposition. You can use a variety of content formats to keep your audience interested and engaged, such as photos, videos, stories, reels, live streams, carousels, guides, etc. You can also use hashtags, tags, mentions, stickers, filters, captions, and other features to enhance your content and make it more discoverable.
  • Encourage interaction and feedback. Another way to increase engagement is to invite your audience to interact with your content and give feedback. You can ask questions and create polls, quizzes, challenges, contests, giveaways, or user-generated content campaigns. You can also respond to comments, messages, reviews, and mentions to show appreciation and build relationships with your followers. You can also collaborate with other brands, influencers, or experts to cross-promote and reach new audiences.
  • Be consistent and authentic. Finally, your social media presence and content creation must be consistent and authentic. You must post regularly and optimally to maintain and grow your audience engagement. Your brand story, values, and personality must also be authentic and transparent. Your followers want to connect with real people behind the brand, not just a logo or a product. You can use stories or live streams to show behind-the-scenes or personal aspects of your business.


Increasing engagement with Instagram and Facebook is not easy, but it can be rewarding for your business growth and customer loyalty.

By following these tips and best practices, you can create more engaging content and connect with your audience effectively. Remember always to test and analyze your results and adjust your strategy accordingly.

The post Increasing Engagement with Instagram and Facebook first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

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Facebook Marketing 101: Measuring & Optimizing Your Online Ads https://citis.co.ke/2023/06/12/facebook-marketing-optimizing-online-ads/ https://citis.co.ke/2023/06/12/facebook-marketing-optimizing-online-ads/#respond Mon, 12 Jun 2023 06:36:56 +0000 https://crowdol.com/?p=99024 If you’re like me, you love Facebook. You love scrolling through your news feed, liking and commenting on your friends’ posts, and watching cute cat videos. But did you know that Facebook can also help you grow your business? That’s right; Facebook is a social network and a powerful advertising platform that can help you […]

The post Facebook Marketing 101: Measuring & Optimizing Your Online Ads first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

If you’re like me, you love Facebook. You love scrolling through your news feed, liking and commenting on your friends’ posts, and watching cute cat videos. But did you know that Facebook can also help you grow your business? That’s right; Facebook is a social network and a powerful advertising platform that can help you reach your target audience, generate leads, and increase sales.

In this article, I will show you how to use Facebook ads to reach more customers, generate more leads and sales, and grow your brand awareness.

Facebook ads are one of the most popular and effective online advertising methods. They allow you to target your audience based on their interests, demographics, location, behavior, etc. You can also choose from various ad formats, such as photo, video, story, lead, and carousel ads, to showcase your products or services engagingly.

But how do you know if your Facebook ads are working? How do you track their performance and optimize them for better results? That’s where Meta ads come in.

Meta ads are tools and features that help you create, manage, and measure your Facebook ads across different devices and platforms. With Meta ads, you can:

  • Use Advantage+ placements to reach your audience wherever they are online, whether on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, or the audience network (other websites and apps).
  • Use brand controls to set parameters on where and how your ads appear, and avoid showing them next to inappropriate or irrelevant content.
  • Use video ads to capture attention and tell your brand story with sound and motion. You can use a simple video ad maker to create eye-catching and engaging videos for your Facebook ads.
  • Use a personalized marketing plan to get tips, resources, and tools to track progress toward your goals.

To get started with Meta Ads, you need a Facebook Business account and a Facebook Page for your business. Then you can use Ads Manager to create and run your campaigns. You can also use Meta Business Suite to manage all your Meta apps in one place.

To measure and optimize your Facebook ads, you must set up conversion tracking using the Facebook pixel or Conversions API. These tools help you track people’s actions on your website or app after seeing your ads. You can also use events manager to see how people interact with your ads across different devices.

Once you set up conversion tracking, you can use Ads Manager to see how your campaigns are performing. You can see metrics such as impressions, reach, clicks, cost per result, return on ad spend, and more. You can also use custom dashboards and reports to see the data that matters most.

You can use tools such as automated rules, campaign budget optimization, dynamic creative optimization, and split testing to optimize your Facebook ads. These tools help you automate some tasks in managing your campaigns and find the best combinations of audiences, creatives, placements, and budgets for your goals.

As an expert Facebook marketer, I have learned some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your online advertising with Facebook.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Set your goals and objectives. Before you start creating and running your Facebook ads, you need a clear idea of what you want to achieve with them. Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, generate leads, or boost sales? Depending on your goals and objectives, you must choose different types of ads, audiences, and metrics to track.
  2. Choose the right ad format. Facebook offers a variety of ad formats that can suit different purposes and goals. For example, you can use images, videos, carousels, collections, or instant experience ads. Each ad format has advantages and disadvantages, so you must choose the one that best fits your message and goal. For instance, if you want to showcase multiple products or features, you can use carousel ads or collection ads. If you want to tell a story or demonstrate how your product works, you can use video or instant experience ads.
  3. Define your audience. One of the best things about Facebook advertising is that you can target your ads to specific groups of people based on their demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. This way, you can reach the people most likely interested in your offer and avoid wasting money on irrelevant impressions and clicks. You can use Facebook’s audience network tool to define your audience or create custom or lookalike audiences based on your existing customers or website visitors.
  4. Set your budget and bid strategy. Once you have chosen your ad format and audience, you need to decide how much money you want to spend on your Facebook ads and how to distribute them over time. You can set a daily or lifetime budget for your campaign or ad set. You can also choose between different bid strategies that determine how Facebook will optimize your ad delivery based on your goal and budget. For example, you can choose the lowest-cost bid strategy to get the most results for the lowest possible cost. Or you can choose a target cost bid strategy to maintain a consistent cost per result.
  5. Create and launch your ads. Now comes the fun part: creating and launching your Facebook ads. You can use Facebook’s creative hub tool or Ads Manager to design and preview your ads before publishing them. You can also use tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to create stunning graphics and videos for your ads. Make sure that your ads are relevant, engaging, and clear. Use catchy headlines, compelling images or videos, and strong call-to-actions that encourage people to take action.
  6. Measure and optimize your results. After launching your Facebook ads, you must monitor their performance and analyze their results. You can use Facebook’s Ads Manager or Business Manager to access various reports and metrics showing how your ads are doing regarding reach, impressions, clicks, conversions, cost per result, return on ad spend (ROAS), and more. You can also use tools like Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel to track people’s actions on your website after clicking on your ads. Based on these data, you can identify what’s working well and needs improvement in your Facebook advertising strategy. You can then test different variables such as ad format, audience, copy, image or video, landing page, etc., and see which ones perform better.

Facebook ads are a powerful way to reach more customers online and grow your business. You can measure and optimize your campaigns for maximum impact using Meta ads tools and features.

Check out our online learning courses and certification programs to learn more about using Facebook ads effectively.

The post Facebook Marketing 101: Measuring & Optimizing Your Online Ads first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

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How to Use the Facebook Reporting Tool to Improve Your Online Advertising Strategy https://citis.co.ke/2023/06/09/facebook-reporting-tools-improve-advertising/ https://citis.co.ke/2023/06/09/facebook-reporting-tools-improve-advertising/#respond Fri, 09 Jun 2023 06:00:15 +0000 https://crowdol.com/?p=99022 Facebook is one of the most popular and powerful platforms for online advertising. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers a huge potential audience for your business. But how do you know if your ads reach the right people, deliver the right message, and achieve the right results? That’s where Facebook’s reporting tools […]

The post How to Use the Facebook Reporting Tool to Improve Your Online Advertising Strategy first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

Facebook is one of the most popular and powerful platforms for online advertising. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers a huge potential audience for your business. But how do you know if your ads reach the right people, deliver the right message, and achieve the right results?

That’s where Facebook’s reporting tools come in. Facebook provides various tools and metrics that help you measure and optimize your ad performance. In this blog post, I will show you how to use some of the most important reporting tools Facebook offers and how to use them to improve your online advertising strategy.

1. Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager is the main dashboard where you can create, manage, and analyze your Facebook ad campaigns. You can access it from your Facebook Business Manager account or the Facebook app on your mobile device.

Ads Manager allows you to see an overview of your campaigns, ad sets, and ads and detailed metrics such as impressions, reach, frequency, cost per result, and return on ad spend (ROAS). You can customize your columns to see the metrics most matter to you.

To use Ads Manager effectively, you need to understand the different levels of your campaign structure:

  • Campaign: This is where you set your objectives, such as awareness, consideration, or conversion. Your objective determines what results you want to achieve with your ads, such as brand awareness, traffic, leads, or sales.
  • Ad Set: This is where you set your budget, schedule, audience, placement, and optimization. Your ad set determines who will see your ads, where they will see them, how much you will spend on them, and how they will be delivered.
  • Ad: This is where you create your creative assets, such as images, videos, headlines, and call-to-action buttons. Your ad determines how your ads will look and what message they will convey.

You can create multiple campaigns, ad sets, and ads within Ads Manager. You can also duplicate, edit, pause, or delete them anytime.

To improve your online advertising strategy using Ads Manager, you should:

  • Test different campaign objectives to see which one generates the best results for your business goals.
  • Test different ad sets with different audiences, placements, budgets, and optimization strategies to see which one performs better.
  • Test different ads with different creatives, headlines, and call to action buttons to see which one attracts more attention and engagement.
  • Monitor your campaign performance regularly and make adjustments based on the data.

2. Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights is a tool that helps you understand how people interact with your Facebook Page. You can access it from your Page settings or from the Insights tab on your Page.

Insights allows you to see metrics such as page views, page likes, page followers, post reach, post engagement, video views, and more. You can also see demographic information about your Page fans and visitors, such as their age, gender, location, and language. You can also compare your Page performance with other Pages in your industry or category.

To improve your online advertising strategy using Insights, you should:

  • Analyze your Page audience to see who they are, what they like, and what they respond to.
  • Create content that matches your audience’s interests, needs, and preferences.
  • Experiment with different types of posts, such as photos, videos, links, or polls.
  • Optimize your posting frequency and timing to reach more people when they are online.
  • Respond to comments and messages from your Page fans and visitors to build trust and loyalty.

3. Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel is a piece of code that you can install on your website or app to track the actions that people take after seeing or clicking on your Facebook ads.

Pixel allows you to measure conversions, such as purchases, sign-ups, leads, or downloads. Pixel also allows you to create custom audiences based on the people who visited your website or app or performed a specific action.

You can then use these custom audiences to retarget them with relevant ads or to create lookalike audiences that share similar characteristics with them.

To improve your online advertising strategy using Pixel, you should:

  • Install Pixel on every page of your website or app and make sure it is working correctly.
  • Define the events that you want to track and assign a value to each event based on its importance for your business.
  • Use conversion tracking to see how many people completed an action after seeing or clicking on your ads and how much it cost you per conversion.
  • Use custom audiences to retarget people who visited your website or app or performed a specific action with ads that remind them of your offer or encourage them to take the next step.
  • Use lookalike audiences to reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business based on their similarity with your existing customers or prospects.

4. Facebook Analytics

Facebook Analytics is a tool that helps you understand how people interact with your business across different channels, such as your website, app, Page, or Messenger bot.

Analytics allows you to see metrics such as active users, sessions, revenue, retention, and lifetime value. You can also see user journeys that show how people move across different touchpoints before converting or dropping off.

You can also create funnels that show how many people complete a series of steps towards a desired outcome. You can also create cohorts that group users based on common attributes or behaviors and compare their performance over time.

To improve your online advertising strategy using Analytics, you should:

  • Connect all your channels to get a holistic view of how people interact with your business.
  • Segment your users based on their characteristics or actions to understand their needs and preferences.
  • Analyze user journeys to identify the paths that lead to conversions or drop-offs and optimize them accordingly.
  • Create funnels to measure the effectiveness of each step in your conversion process and find ways to improve them.
  • Create cohorts to track the retention and lifetime value of different groups of users and find ways to increase them.


Facebook’s reporting tools are essential for any online advertiser who wants to succeed on this platform. By using these tools effectively, you can measure and optimize your ad performance, understand and engage with your audience, track and increase conversions, and grow your business.

I hope this blog post has given you some useful insights into how to use Facebook’s reporting tools to improve your online advertising strategy. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading!

The post How to Use the Facebook Reporting Tool to Improve Your Online Advertising Strategy first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

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The Power of People-Based Measurement for Online Advertising on Facebook https://citis.co.ke/2023/06/08/power-of-people-based-measurement/ https://citis.co.ke/2023/06/08/power-of-people-based-measurement/#respond Thu, 08 Jun 2023 06:51:06 +0000 https://crowdol.com/?p=99020 Online advertising is a powerful tool for reaching potential customers and growing your business. But how do you know if your ads are effective? How do you measure the impact of your campaigns on your bottom line? Traditionally, online advertising has relied on cookies and device IDs to track user behavior and attribute conversions. However, […]

The post The Power of People-Based Measurement for Online Advertising on Facebook first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

Online advertising is a powerful tool for reaching potential customers and growing your business. But how do you know if your ads are effective? How do you measure the impact of your campaigns on your bottom line?

Traditionally, online advertising has relied on cookies and device IDs to track user behavior and attribute conversions. However, these methods have several limitations. They can only measure activity within a single browser or device, they can be blocked or deleted by users, and they do not account for the complex and dynamic customer journey across multiple channels and platforms.

That’s why Facebook has developed a people-based approach to online advertising measurement. People-based measurement is a way of measuring the effectiveness of your ads by linking them to real people and their actions across devices and platforms. It allows you to understand how your ads influence people’s behavior throughout the purchase funnel, from awareness to consideration to conversion.

People-based measurement is possible because Facebook has a unique advantage: its identity graph.

The identity graph is a database of over 2.8 billion monthly active users who log in to Facebook and its family of apps (Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp) with real identities. This means that Facebook can connect your ads to those who see them and track their actions across devices and platforms, even if they switch browsers or delete cookies.

Using people-based measurement, you can gain valuable insights into your online advertising performance and optimize your campaigns accordingly.

Here are some of the benefits of people-based measurement for online advertising on Facebook:

  • You can measure the true reach and frequency of your ads. You can see how many people saw your ads and how often they saw them, regardless of the device or platform they used. This helps you avoid overexposing or underexposing your audience and wasting your ad budget.
  • You can measure the cross-device and cross-platform impact of your ads. You can see how your ads influenced people’s actions across different devices and platforms, such as desktop, mobile, web, app, Facebook, Instagram, etc. This helps you understand the customer journey and attribute conversions more accurately.
  • You can measure the incremental lift of your ads. You can see how your ads influenced people’s behavior compared to a control group that did not see your ads. This helps you quantify the causal impact of your ads on your business outcomes and calculate your return on ad spend (ROAS).
  • You can measure the long-term value of your ads. You can see how your ads influenced people’s behavior over time, such as repeat purchases, loyalty, retention, etc. This helps you optimize your campaigns for lifetime value (LTV) and customer acquisition cost (CAC).

People-based measurement is a game-changer for online advertising on Facebook. It enables you to measure what matters most: the impact of your ads on real people and their actions. By using people-based measurement, you can make data-driven decisions and improve your online advertising performance.

If you want to learn more about people-based measurement and how to use it for your online advertising on Facebook, contact me today. I am an expert Facebook marketer with years of experience in helping businesses grow with Facebook ads. I can help you set up and run effective campaigns using people-based measurement and other best practices. Let’s work together to achieve your online advertising goals!

The post The Power of People-Based Measurement for Online Advertising on Facebook first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

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Facebook’s People-Based Measurement Tools for Online Advertising https://citis.co.ke/2023/06/07/facebook-people-based-measurement-tools/ https://citis.co.ke/2023/06/07/facebook-people-based-measurement-tools/#respond Wed, 07 Jun 2023 06:38:01 +0000 https://crowdol.com/?p=99001 Online advertising is a powerful way to reach potential customers and grow your business. But how do you know if your ads effectively reach the right people? How do you measure the impact of your campaigns across different devices and platforms? That’s where Facebook’s people-based measurement tools come in. These tools help you understand how […]

The post Facebook’s People-Based Measurement Tools for Online Advertising first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

Online advertising is a powerful way to reach potential customers and grow your business. But how do you know if your ads effectively reach the right people? How do you measure the impact of your campaigns across different devices and platforms?

That’s where Facebook’s people-based measurement tools come in. These tools help you understand how your ads influence people’s online and offline behavior and actions. They also help you optimize your campaigns and improve your return on ad spend.

In this blog post, I will explain people-based measurement, why it matters, and how you can use Facebook’s tools to measure and improve your online advertising performance.

What is people-based measurement?

People-based measurement is a way of measuring the effectiveness of your online advertising by tracking the actions and outcomes of real people, not cookies or devices. It allows you to see how your ads influence people across devices (mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops) and platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Audience Network, and third-party websites and apps).

People-based measurement also helps you measure the impact of your online advertising on offline conversions, such as store visits, phone calls, or purchases. This way, you can see the full picture of how your ads drive business results.

Why does people-based measurement matter?

People-based measurement matters because it gives you more accurate and actionable insights into your online advertising performance. Here are some of the benefits of using people-based measurement:

  • You can measure the true reach and frequency of your ads. You can see how many real people saw your ads and how often they saw them, instead of counting impressions based on cookies or devices. This helps you avoid overexposing or underexposing your audience to your ads and wasting your budget.
  • You can measure cross-device conversions. You can see how people interact with your ads on one device and convert on another device. For example, you can see how many people saw your ad on their mobile phone and then purchased on their laptop. This helps you understand the customer journey and attribute conversions to the right device and platform.
  • You can measure offline conversions. You can see how your online ads drive offline actions, such as store visits, phone calls, or purchases. For example, you can see how many people visited your store after seeing your ad on Facebook. This helps you measure the real impact of your online advertising on your business goals.
  • You can optimize your campaigns based on real outcomes. You can use the insights from people-based measurement to improve your campaign performance and return on ad spend. For example, you can use Facebook’s optimization tools to target the right people, show them the right creative, and bid for the best results.

How can you use Facebook’s people-based measurement tools?

Facebook offers a suite of people-based measurement tools that help you measure and optimize your online advertising campaigns. Here are some of the tools that you can use:

  • Facebook Pixel: The Facebook pixel is a piece of code that you place on your website to track the actions that people take after seeing or clicking on your ads. It helps you measure cross-device conversions, optimize your campaigns for specific actions (such as purchases or leads), and create custom audiences based on website activity.
  • Offline Conversions: Offline conversions is a feature that allows you to upload data from your customer relationship management (CRM) system or point-of-sale (POS) system to Facebook. It helps you measure offline conversions that are driven by your online ads, such as store visits, phone calls, or purchases.
  • Facebook Analytics: Facebook Analytics is a tool that helps you understand how people interact with your business across different channels, such as your website, app, Facebook page, Instagram profile, Messenger bot, or WhatsApp business account. It helps you measure the reach and engagement of your online presence, analyze user behavior and demographics, and optimize user retention and loyalty.
  • Lift Tests: Lift tests are experiments that help you measure the incremental impact of your online advertising campaigns on key metrics, such as brand awareness, ad recall, purchase intent, or sales. They help you compare the outcomes of two groups of people: one that was exposed to your ads (test group) and one that was not (control group).
  • Attribution: Attribution is a tool that helps you measure the impact of each touchpoint along the customer journey on conversions. It helps you compare different attribution models (such as last-click or multi-touch) and assign credit to different channels (such as Facebook, Instagram, Google Search, or email).


Online advertising is a powerful way to reach potential customers and grow your business. But to make the most of it, you need to measure its effectiveness and optimize its performance.

Facebook’s people-based measurement tools help you do just that. They help you understand how your ads influence people’s behavior and actions across different devices and platforms. They also help you optimize your campaigns based on real outcomes.

The post Facebook’s People-Based Measurement Tools for Online Advertising first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

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Online Advertising 101: How Facebook Helps You Reach and Understand Your Audience https://citis.co.ke/2023/06/06/online-advertising-facebook-audience/ https://citis.co.ke/2023/06/06/online-advertising-facebook-audience/#respond Tue, 06 Jun 2023 05:36:53 +0000 https://crowdol.com/?p=99016 If you are looking for a way to grow your business online, you might have heard of Facebook as a powerful tool for advertising. But how exactly does Facebook help you reach and understand your audience? And how can you use it effectively to achieve your marketing goals? In this blog post, I will share […]

The post Online Advertising 101: How Facebook Helps You Reach and Understand Your Audience first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

If you are looking for a way to grow your business online, you might have heard of Facebook as a powerful tool for advertising. But how exactly does Facebook help you reach and understand your audience? And how can you use it effectively to achieve your marketing goals?

In this blog post, I will share some of the basics of online advertising with Facebook and how you can leverage its features and benefits to create successful campaigns.

What is online advertising?

Online advertising is a form of marketing that uses the internet to deliver messages to potential customers. Online advertising can take many forms, such as banner ads, video ads, search ads, social media ads, and email ads. Online advertising can help you:

  • Increase brand awareness and recognition
  • Generate leads and sales
  • Drive traffic to your website or app
  • Engage and retain your customers
  • Measure and optimize your performance

Why use Facebook for online advertising?

Facebook is one of the most popular and widely used social media platforms globally, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of December 2020. This means that Facebook has a huge and diverse audience you can reach with your ads. But more than that, Facebook also offers you:

  • Advanced targeting options: You can target your ads based on various criteria, such as demographics, interests, behaviors, location, connections, etc. You can also create custom audiences from your existing customers or website visitors or lookalike audiences from people similar to your best customers.
  • Multiple ad formats: You can choose from different types of ads to suit your objectives and creative preferences, such as image ads, video ads, carousel ads, collection ads, instant experience ads, stories ads, messenger ads, audience network ads, and more.
  • Flexible budget and bidding: You can set your budget and schedule for your campaigns, and choose how you want to pay for your ads, such as cost per impression (CPM), cost per click (CPC), cost per action (CPA), or cost per thousand people reached (CPM). You can also use automatic or manual bidding strategies to optimize your ad delivery and results.
  • Detailed analytics and insights: You can track and measure your ad performance using various metrics and tools, such as impressions, reach, frequency, clicks, conversions, cost per result, return on ad spend (ROAS), relevance score, and more. You can also use Facebook Pixel, a code snippet you install on your website or app, to track the actions people take after seeing your ads.
  • Creative tools and resources: You can use Facebook’s built-in tools and features to create and edit your ad images and videos, such as the Ads Manager app, the Creative Hub, the Video Creation Kit, the Mobile Studio, and more. You can also access Facebook’s best practices and guides to help you design effective and engaging ads.

How to get started with online advertising on Facebook?

To start advertising on Facebook, you need to follow these steps:

  • Create a Facebook Business Page: This is where you showcase your business and connect with your customers on Facebook. You need a Business Page to run ads on Facebook.
  • Create a Facebook Business Manager account: This is where you manage your ad accounts, pages, pixels, catalogs, audiences, and more. You need a Business Manager account to access all the features and tools Facebook offers for advertisers.
  • Create an ad account: This is where you create and run your ad campaigns. You can have multiple ad accounts under one Business Manager account.
  • Create a campaign: This is where you choose your marketing objective (such as awareness, consideration, or conversion), name your campaign, set your budget and schedule, and choose your optimization and delivery options.
  • Create an ad set: This is where you define your target audience (such as age range or interests), choose your placements (such as news feed or stories), set your bid strategy (such as lowest cost or target cost), and select your attribution window (such as 1-day click or 7-day view).
  • Create an ad: This is where you choose your ad format (such as image or video), upload or create your ad creative (such as headline or text), add a call to action button (such as shop now or learn more), enter your website or app URL (where you want people to go after clicking on your ad), preview your ad across different devices (such as desktop or mobile), and confirm your ad.

Once you create your campaign, ad set, and ad, you can submit them for review. Facebook will review your ads within 24 hours to make sure they comply with its advertising policies. If approved, your ads will start running according to your settings.

How to optimize and improve your online advertising on Facebook?

To optimize and improve your online advertising on Facebook, you need to monitor and analyze your ad performance regularly using the following steps:

  • Review your campaign results: You can use the Ads Manager dashboard to see how your campaigns are performing based on various metrics (such as impressions or conversions) over time (such as today or last 30 days). You can also compare different campaigns or ad sets using the breakdown feature (such as by delivery or action).
  • Identify what works and what doesn’t: You can use the reports feature to create custom reports that show you the data that matters most to you (such as ROAS or cost per lead). You can also use the insights feature to discover trends and patterns in your data (such as which audience segments or creative elements are driving the best results).
  • Test and experiment: You can use the split testing feature to test different versions of your campaigns or ad sets against each other (such as different audiences or bids) to see which one performs better. You can also use the dynamic creative feature to test different combinations of your ad elements (such as images or headlines) to see which one generates the most engagement.
  • Learn and apply: Based on the results of your analysis, you can make changes to improve your campaigns or ad sets (such as adjusting your budget or targeting) or create new ones based on what works best for you. You can also use the recommendations feature to get suggestions from Facebook on how to optimize your campaigns or ad sets (such as adding new audiences or increasing your bid).


Online advertising with Facebook is a powerful way to reach and understand your audience and grow your business online. By following the steps above, you can create successful campaigns that achieve your marketing goals.

The post Online Advertising 101: How Facebook Helps You Reach and Understand Your Audience first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

https://citis.co.ke/2023/06/06/online-advertising-facebook-audience/feed/ 0
Facebook is Now Meta https://citis.co.ke/2021/10/29/facebook-meta/ https://citis.co.ke/2021/10/29/facebook-meta/#respond Fri, 29 Oct 2021 06:02:44 +0000 https://amazingkisumu.co.ke/next/?p=96145 The metaverse is the next evolution of social connection. Facebook’s vision is to help bring the metaverse to life, so they are changing their name to reflect their commitment to this future. Today at Connect 2021, Mark Zuckerberg introduced Meta, which brings together their family of apps (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp,) and technologies under one new […]

The post Facebook is Now Meta first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

The metaverse is the next evolution of social connection. Facebook’s vision is to help bring the metaverse to life, so they are changing their name to reflect their commitment to this future.

Today at Connect 2021, Mark Zuckerberg introduced Meta, which brings together their family of apps (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp,) and technologies under one new company brand.

Meta’s focus will be to bring the metaverse to life and help people connect, find communities and grow businesses.

The metaverse will feel like a hybrid of today’s online social experiences, sometimes expanded into three dimensions or projected into the physical world.

It will let you share immersive experiences with other people even when you can’t be together — and do things together you couldn’t do in the physical world. It’s the next evolution in a long line of social technologies, and it’s ushering in a new chapter for the company.

Mark shared more about this vision in a founder’s letter.

The annual Connect conference brings together augmented and virtual reality developers, content creators, marketers and others to celebrate the industry’s momentum and growth.

This year’s virtual event explored what experiences in the metaverse could feel like over the next decade — from social connection to entertainment, gaming, fitness, work, education and commerce.

They also announced new tools to help people build for the metaverse, including Presence Platform, which will enable new mixed reality experiences on Quest 2, and a $150-million investment in immersive learning to train the next generation of creators.

You can watch the full Connect keynote and learn more about how the metaverse will unlock new opportunities below:

The post Facebook is Now Meta first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

https://citis.co.ke/2021/10/29/facebook-meta/feed/ 0
Facebook, Instagram Adds ‘Hide Likes Counts’ to reduce Social Media Pressure https://citis.co.ke/2021/05/28/facebook-ig-hides-likes-counts/ https://citis.co.ke/2021/05/28/facebook-ig-hides-likes-counts/#respond Fri, 28 May 2021 05:49:30 +0000 https://amazingkisumu.co.ke/?p=19510 You will now be able to hide public likes after Instagram and Facebook rolls out a feature option to enable disable likes counts for users. The user can now be able to turn on or off likes and views counts on posts and news feed on their timeline. You can enable or disable before or […]

The post Facebook, Instagram Adds ‘Hide Likes Counts’ to reduce Social Media Pressure first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

You will now be able to hide public likes after Instagram and Facebook rolls out a feature option to enable disable likes counts for users.

The user can now be able to turn on or off likes and views counts on posts and news feed on their timeline.

You can enable or disable before or after sharing a post by simply tapping the three-dot icon on a post then choose hide like count on Instagram.

You can also hide other people’s likes counts by scrolling on the setting icon, select privacy and choose to enable or disable hide likes and views in a post.

On Facebook, the feature will be available in the ‘Setting and Privacy’ area. You will be able to turn on or off to hide the number of reaction from either your posts or others post.

Facebook is adding the feature option to enable users to manage their likes counts and to reduce social media pressure.

Instagram began testing the option in 2019, and it’s hoping users will use it being that it’s not default but optional.
“What we heard from people and experts was that not seeing like counts was beneficial for some and annoying to others, particularly because people use like counts to get a sense of what’s trending or popular, so we’re giving you the choice,” Facebook said.

The platform is currently requesting research proposals from global academics and non-profit.

The post Facebook, Instagram Adds ‘Hide Likes Counts’ to reduce Social Media Pressure first appeared on Crowdol Institute.

https://citis.co.ke/2021/05/28/facebook-ig-hides-likes-counts/feed/ 0